Saturday, March 6, 2010

Morris Louis style paintings with pencil hand drawings

Morris Louis was a New York based artist who was a part of the color field painter's movement of the 1940's and 50's.
Louis' work was minimal and focused on how color
is represented as positive and negative space.

Morris Louis,
Gamma tau, 1960

Claustral, 1961

Here is an example of the outcome of the project I did, that the students first observed and discussed.

In order to mimic the style of painting Mr. Louis practiced,
I watered down various colors of tempera paint, to give the paint
the ability to run all over the paper.

After pouring the paint on our paper, we used our arms and hands to
move and manipulate the painting.

Stay tuned for the final outcomes, when we add our realistic pencil hand drawings
to our projects.

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