Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kindergarten Watercolor and Sea Salt

Visual Arts Kindergarten

Communication and Expression Through Original Works of Art

2.5 Use lines in drawings and paintings to express feelings.

In this lesson I wanted to infuse various media with musical rhythm.
The first part of the lesson focused on drawing lines with crayons while listening to
different styles of music. Each style of music helped fuel the style of lines created.
Once each student had finished using crayon on the watercolor paper,
we began to use a new painting technique the students had never seen before.

By adding water to the paper first, simply touching watercolor paint to the water
will allow the paint to spread fast through the water.
We discussed how art can act like a science experiment and show chemical reactions.
The paint touching the water, had a direct reaction that was visible to the students.
The students loved to watch the paint act on its own!

While the paint was wet, we created another chemical reaction
using the watercolor paint and coarse sea salt.
The sea salt acts like a sponge to the water, soaking it up and drying the water out.
This chemical reaction creates a very interesting effect to the paint by actually soaking up the color and leaving slightly less opaque spots.
When the paint has dried, scrape away the salt to be used again in
a future sea salt lesson.

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